Best Safari in the World - Okavango Delta

The Okavango Delta in Botswana is one of the largest inland waterways in the world and has an impressive mass and variety of wildlife. Rather than emptying into the sea, the remains of the Okavango River flows onto the vast sands of the Kalahari Desert. In addition to safaris by air or land-based vehicles, the breathtaking scenery of the Okavango can be experienced by boat or local makoro canoes.

"The Okavango is the ultimate destination for an African safari. A pristine wilderness of waterways, islands and grasslands, the Okavango draws great herds of migratory animals and predators to its fertile shores, making it the best big five African safari destination." (
Been there, done that?
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Photo Credit: justin


  1. The writer has shared short but quite nice information about Okavango Delta. I have visited there before new york to niagara trip. This is one place you never get tired of visiting. The climate is perfect, not too hot during the day and not too cold in the evenings, so one can sit and admire the huge, black African sky full of stars.

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